Vertical Growing Systems – Verti-Gro

Vertical Growing Spinach

Vertical Growing

Vert-Gro Vertical Growing SystemDid you know that Verti-Gro coined the phrases “Vertical Gardening” and “Vertical Growing”?  For over 19 years this innovative company has been recognized as a leader in commercial, research facilities and residential garden systems.   Vertical growing is simply just that vertical growing.   The Verti-Gro systems using a stacked system that has a plastic pipe in the center that screws into an electrical submersible water pump mounted in the base tank.   Nutrient medium is pumped from the holding tank in the bottom via the pipe to the top so it can sprayed out using a bubbler cap screwed on to the pipe at the top.  The nutrient medium then sprays out the bubbler on to the top stack pot, then draining via holes cut into bottom of each stack pot – eventually returning to tank at the bottom.   Since everything is stacked you use less space for plants and production.  Verti-Gro  VG-1 Stackable Vertical Garden, comes with everything you will need to get started to hydroponically grow 20 plants. Grow Pots, Base Unit, Electric Submersible Pump, Center Pipe, Bubbler, Electric Timer,  Growing  Medium, Ready to Mix Nutrients, and Instructions. Simple to setup and ease of care makes these units are a true wonder.  In full disclosure – I must admit that I have three units that I setup each season outdoors on my patio.    Lite weight it is easy to assemble and to dis-assemble that the end of each season.  Each kit comes with 

Growing Medium

Coarse Perlite Growing Medium

While I have tried the Coconut Coir with Perlite for a growing medium, I have found that Coarse Perlite medium to work the best for drainage and ease of care.   Don’t let this stop you from experimenting with different types of medium, just keep in mind whatever you use, must be able to drain quickly or you will see your nutrient solution spill out and over on to the ground.   (I speak from sad experience).

Plants To Grow

Vertical Growing SpinachNow this is here the fun comes in – anything that can be grown vertically can be planted in to the pots.     Units come with ready to mix one gallon mixtures that can handle most anything yo could think of.   As you can see I have great success with Spinach, Kale, Cherry Tomatoes and Lettuce.   Others have had had success with a wide range of plants  that include Mustard Greens, Romaine, Collards, Sweet Onions, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and may more.   Easy to setup and use for the very beginner or advance – we highly recommend the Verti-Gro systems.   Look forward to your thoughts and comments – You Can Hydro Grow


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  1. I love this vertical growing system as it can save so much space! This Verti-Gro VG-1 Stackable Vertical Garden comes with everything make life so much easier. I don’t mind to give it a try as it seem easy to setup. May I know it took you how long to setup everything? Thanks.

    • About 15 – 20 minutes – it took longer to go to the local Lowe’s store to get the starter plants and you wash their roots off. These units have worded extremely well especially for Kale and tomatoes. Thanks for dropping by, come again.

  2. Very interesting stuff! Your plants look beautiful! This might be a very foolish question, but can this be done easily on a balcony?

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