Self Sufficiency – Growing Your Own

Microgreens are esy

Self Sufficiency – One Small Step

In this time of uncertainty, it is a good idea to become as self-sufficient as possible. For most of us living off the grid, while an appealing idea, in reality, is not a lifestyle we would like to pursue at this time. Besides who likes to wear plaid wear round? A very first step is to try to grow your own food – which again is a good idea if you have the land, space, and desire. But, what about those that simply do not have the space and the knowledge to get started?

Microgreens – A First Step

Microgreens are a good first step. While I have been growing my veggies hydroponically for quite a few years now and truly enjoy seeing the results. It was only within the last two years that I discovered microgreens and how easy it is to grow a batch of healthy and tasty veggies in no time at all.

You have heard that you should eat leafy vegetables every day, but how many of us really do? Microgreens are more colorful and flavorful miniature versions of the leafy vegetables that we should eat every day. Microgreens are miniature versions of arugula, chives, chard, cabbage, beets, cilantro, kale, parsley, radishes, and more. Tasty and nutritious, they do not take much to grow quickly.

What Do You Need?

All you need is a container, seed, water, and some sunlight. That’s it, nothing more – unlike hydroponics you can get started with no effort at all – with no need for chemical nutrients or specialized equipment. Sprouting microgreens can be as easy as taking a pie plate with a thin layer of dirt, spreading some seeds and adding a little water. As for myself, I prefer not to grow with any soil or mat – just a sprouting container and water.

Seven days ago I took some Superfood Mix sprouting seed that I had purchased over a year ago from the Rainbow Heirloom Seed Company and a sprouting tray that I have had for a few years. The mix contains Purple Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Radish, Collard, and Turnip. A colorful and nutrient-dense microgreen seed mix one grown will have a tasty, well-balanced flavor – overall like eating a mild radish.

Sprouting Microgreens – Is Easy

While not necessary, I prefer to soak my seeds in clean water 8 – 12 hours. It gives a jumpstart on sprouting. Once they have soaked, I poured the seeds into the clear sprouting tray and once spread, stack the kit together. Rinsing the seed tray once in the morning and evening it took only one day after the soak to begin to see results. By day four –  I definitely had a good crop of sprouts going, by day seven harvested the tray.  Now I am enjoying sprouts with my salad and other dishes.

Look forward to your comments and suggestions as we explore ways to become a little more self-sufficient each day.

Basic Simple Plastic Tray - nothing fancy

Heirloom Sprouting Mix

Spread seeds evenly

Stack it all together


Few days later yummy sprouts
Plenty of sprouts to eat

Lets eat


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