Cheap and Fun Mason Jar Hydroponics

Mason Jar Hydroponics

Using Mason Jars to grow plants is a simple, non-electric, low maintenance, fun way of growing herbs, lettuce and other plants. It can be made from things lying around the home or inexpensive material you can purchase either online or at a local store. No special tools are required – great project for the family. Here is a great video to walk you through how to make your own.

Cheap and Fun Mason Jar Hydroponics

Jars and Net Pots

Growing Medium

  • Perlite
  • Clay Peddles
  • You can use Perlite or Clay Peddles, if you are not that concerned about being 100% Hydroponic, just use the potting medium the plant was sprouted and came with from the Garden Store.

Plant Nutrients

Dyna- Grow or Miracle Grow will work, it all depends on your preference. I tend to go with the Dyna-Grow since it is formulated with the all 16 essential elements for hydroponics.

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Additional Info:

Mason Jar Hydroponics (step by step) with photos.

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