Growing Veggies

Eat Your Healthy Veggies

“It used to be hydroponics was just a nod, nod, wink, wink, word for pot growing. Now it is accepted by consumers as a preferred method of growing high-quality food.”

– Michael R. Christian, Founder of American Hydroponics

Harvest Time

Why You Should Grow Your Own?

How many of you grow your food?  In 2023, my partner and the love of my life for over 33 years suffered a near-fatal heart attack.  While we thought we were eating correctly, we were sad to say we were not.  Sadly, like most of us, the closest we come to that “farm experience” is walking up and down the produce section of the local Fresh Market.  Like most U.S. Consumers, we have lost access to freshly grown local food.  This life-changing event has motivated us to discover the power of introducing healthy homegrown vegetables into a daily diet.  What if you could replace some of what you eat with freshly grown vegetables? Vegetables that are grown and harvested year-round. Where you, not corporations, controlled what was being put into making your food, you can, with homegrown veggies. 

We will primarily focus on hydroponics and microgreens, with some more traditional approaches occasionally.   What’s crucial is that this site is designed to provide you with the resources you need to get started. Your role is vital in this process, and we’re here to help you grow your best.  Searching the internet daily for the best articles and videos on DIY hydroponics, microgreens, and gardening.  In our posts, we will share what we have experienced and review the best videos, articles, and products to help you become self-sustaining.   Growing your own is the way to go if you desire to eat healthier.

Get Started With Fun and Easy Microgreens

Not quite ready to jump into the deep end?  Want something quick and easy to start with?  Unlike hydroponics, and traditional gardening which can take weeks to even months to harvest – microgreens are a quick and fun way to get started. With microgreens, you can experience nutritious and healthy veggies in less than a few days or weeks.  Another big plus is that if something goes wrong you know right away and can start over quickly.  I’ll be publishing a series of articles on Microgreens to help you get going.  Looking forward to your suggestions and comments.  

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